History bears testimony to the fact that India’s economic and financial woes bear a long arduous history and complications. With the pandemic right here to inflict economic and humanitarian woes, India yet again stands at a point where such economic and financial anguishes will be exacerbated.
Not only has the pandemic contributed immensely to the problem, but it can be rightfully claimed that the government’s preventive strategies have been contributing to such an impending debacle.
As it is quite widely known that the banking sector is booming as the Indian economy is gaining momentum. But with the rise of credit, delinquency is on the rise too. But here it is worthy of mentioning that Medius, using its Predict-Act-Reduce technology (P-A-R) is successfully attempting to mitigate the NPA crisis in the Indian banking sector.
Medius gains are all the more relevant given various detestable predictions like the detestable NPAs all set to increase from 11.3 percent in March 2020 to 15.2 percent in March 2021.
Consequently, highly odious predictions like an increase in stress assets to 16.3 percent under a very severe stress scenario do not spark much confidence in the post-pandemic rueful world. Thus, given the debacle that is in making,
Medius through its P-A-R technology has been cautiously and strategically predicting historical bank data and generating borrower information, which is the prerequisite demand to tackle the NPA crisis.
On the other hand, the problem is all set to be exacerbated by the moratorium that was provided by the government on bank loan repayments.
It is quite true that the banking sector is already in troubled waters but the moratorium that had been provided to ease the pains of one sector will definitely lead to the accentuating of the other.
With already crippled finances of the public, the probability of repayment at the moment is at an all-time low. Thus, preventive measures that are being effectively provided by the Medius are the crucial and immediate need of the hour.
It has been quite rightly stated that prevention is better than cure. With an increasing number of curative mechanisms existing in the economy, the preventive measures by the finance ministry are quite numbered. Medius, the AI-based platform is the one-stop solution to the detestable problem of bad debts of the financial sector.
Through the AI preventive technology of Medius, bad debts can be deciphered in the early stages of its debacle. Given, timely resolution and recovery of loans is the Achilles heel of the bad bank’s industry, Medius unties the knotty situation with its strategic AI technology of early detection and suspension of the same.
with its AI technology strategic resolution are provided are highly accurate and can be trusted. Lastly, the usage of legally integrated workflows is used to strategically resolve disputes and due accounts.
One attribute that sets Medius apart from the crowd is its committed goal to provide AI structured timely resolution to recover the value of money for investors. Given, that the stakeholders have the most to lose in the bad debt revival process, Medius’s strategic functioning gives paramount importance to tending to such problems and needs.
It is no news that AI technology is the future of the banking sector. This makes Medius a forward-future-looking venture that pays attention to innovation and strategic technology usage to craft fruitful solutions. Thus, Medius is a future-oriented venture that has immense potential for growth and relevance.
In fact, Medius can be rightly hailed to have ushered the AI technology usage in the banking industry for the resolution of the predicament of the sector. Given, Medius is the first-ever AI-based venture specializing in the resolution of the odious problems that plague the banking sector, Medius can be conferred the title of “the forerunner of change”.
Medius also emphatically believes in reducing inefficacies and reductant human participation in the bad debt resolution sector as these are the very reason for the uninformed, odious and inefficient debacle. It is no news that with the plummeting relevance of the IBC in effectively dealing with the NPA crisis in the economy, due to its falling robust edifice of the timely resolution, Medius has rightfully descended in the industry with its preventive technology for the survival of the sector.
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