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January 2021

rbi liquidity

RBI’s Liquidity Move for NBFCs, HFCs is a Quick Fix for a Long-Term Problem

By Banking No Comments

RBI Liquidity for NBFCs, HFCs Fix for a Long-Term Problem

Non-banking finance companies (NBFC) constitute around 9% of the total assets of the Indian financial sector. So, insulating them from potential bankruptcy has become imperative for the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to ensure financial stability. And last week, the RBI unveiled a scheme aimed at improving the liquidity condition of NBFCs.

The RBI announced that SBI Capital Markets Ltd, a subsidiary of the State Bank of India, will set up a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to purchase short-term paper, maturing within three months and rated as investment grade, from NBFCs and housing finance companies (HFCs). The central bank operationalized Rs 30,000 crore for this scheme.

This SPV will buy investment-grade commercial paper and non-convertible debentures of NBFCs and HFCs until September 30, 2020, and is expected to recover all dues by December 31, 2020.

The scheme aims to prevent any potential financial or systemic risks in the finance sector and ensure economic stability. However, the RBI lays out stringent requirements for beneficiaries under the scheme.

These conditions include that the NBFCs and HFCs must be registered with the RBI and that they must have been profitable in at least one of the two preceding years 2017-18 or 2018-19.

Also, the NBFCs and HFCs must fulfill the requirements related to capital to risk-weighted assets ratio, capital adequacy ratio, non-performing assets, and special mention accounts. Moreover, the NBFCs and HFCs must be rated by an investment grading agency approved by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.

Solution or slump?

The shadow financing sector was already struggling with funds in light of the IL&FS crisis when COVID-19 hit, jeopardizing the survival of the sector at large.

NBFCs and HFCs are compelled to sit on bad debts for an extended period with the provision of EMI holidays to debtors on one side and an embargo on legal remedies on the other, thereby slowing down recoveries.

In cognizance of this twin pressure, the RBI’s notification aims to improve the liquidity position of NBFCs and HFCs. 

At the outset, this scheme acts as an enabler for NBFCs and HFCs to get investment grades or a better rating for the bonds issued, thereby augmenting the flow of funds from the shadow financing sector.

Moreover, the scheme would be a one-stop arrangement between the SPV and the NBFCs without having to liquidate their current asset portfolio and merely transfer their financial risks. The advantages bring the government closer to its objective of eliminating or mitigating any potential systemic risks in the financial sector.

However, these measures lack concerted and concrete action.

First, statistics from an RBI report on NBFCs suggest that the total borrowings by the NBFCs exceed Rs 1 lakh crore, and thereby, the efficacy of an SPV, active till September 30, 2020, has been vociferously criticized and questioned.

This move is a three-month short-term liquidity shot as opposed to the industry requirement of about two-three years. The sector is in dire straits for long-term funds so that they don’t run into an asset-liability mismatch.

However, the present move may lead to a vicious cycle of extending loans. For instance, if somebody were to draw three months’ money, they will have to create another liability at the end of 90 days to be able to repay this.

Second, the high thresholds and requirements set by the RBI for NBFCs and HFCs mean many entities in dire need of financial support and liquidity will be left out of this scheme, thereby providing a lopsided cushion to the sector.

Third, the number of NBFCs and HFCs availing of this scheme will be contingent on the rate and amount they receive. This will be a determining factor of whether the scheme is a true liquidity potion or just another half-baked solution. 

What remains to be examined is whether this scheme will provide cheaper and easier funds to even those NBFCs and HFCs which are not in dire need of emergency funds as long as they meet the eligibility criteria. The answer to this dilemma shall judge the extent of success of this announcement. 

In order to mitigate the gargantuan effects of the pandemic-induced depressionary forces on the shadow financing sector, the government must introduce a dark horse to soothe its long-term woes and not a mere quick fix.


Tags: hfc housing finance, rbi liquidity, housing development finance corporation, housing development finance corp ltd, hfc nbfc, hfc and nbfc, housing finance companies, nbfc housing finance, nbfc housing finance company

real estate sector

Real Estate Sector Sees Long Term Initiatives, But Quick Fixes To Boost

By Real Estate No Comments

Real Estate Sector Long Term Initiatives and Quick Fixes To Boost

The government-enforced lockdown has brought all economic activities to a jerking halt. The performance of the segment was muted owing to the prevailing liquidity crisis and subdued demands. The creation of the Rs 25, 000 crore fund and interest cuts did propel the industry towards recovery, to which beans were spilled by the pandemic. 

The structural changes were brought in after the damage was done. Implementation of RERA, GST, and IBC focussed primarily on boosting liquidity in the segment. On the commercial front, demand for office space had been resilient and REIT had been yielding the strongest rental assets until Covid-19 dampened the efforts. Nevertheless, the chief constraint had been rigid government mandate while the lenders were not accommodated.

While several steps had been taken to boost liquidity in the sector, there has been hardly any incentive for homebuyers to enhance their confidence post-Covid. There have been no speculations about the reduction of interest rates on new home loans to provide the much-required boost.

Neither has been there any modification in the current GST regime for extended benefits, despite there being an urgent need for the same to boost demand amongst buyers. There being a reduction in interest rates, the borrowing rate for real estate developers still remains to be high causing much trouble.

NBFCs have failed to pass on any benefits to the realtors owing to the integral set of problems. Consequently, private funds continue to increase the cost of lending, causing a demand-supply mismatch issue. Reduction of transaction costs could also help the industry sail a long way. 

The industry is likely to face an acute shortage of labor for the completion of projects posts the lockdown leading to further delays. Incentivising migrant laborers with increased wages and medical cover to aid the industry however there is no such stipulation as of now.

In a nutshell, there remains the need for quick and short-term measures to enhance the demand chain for the industry, for which realtors are keeping an eye on the government for instantaneous action.


Tags: gdp real estate, nifty realty, real estate sector, retail property market, realty sector, sectors of real estate, real estate sec, real estate market sector, commercial real estate sectors

tenant and landlord

Tenant and Landlord: Can Tenants Stop Paying Rent Due to The Covid-19 Situation?

By Real Estate No Comments

Tenant and Landlord: Paying Rent Due to Covid-19

Tenant and Landlord: We are seeing a phenomenal circumstance, which not just has upset all our financial and hierarchical standards hereto, yet additionally has profoundly influenced our connections – both relational and social.

In practically all the large urban communities where there is generally more convergence of vagrant workforce, stewing anxiety and discontent is unmistakable regarding the issue of non-installment of the lease by tenants and the proprietor.

Humanity is under stress trying to evade the perils of the pandemic prevailing worldwide. The times have dawned with dire crises persisting in all spheres of life. A huge loss has been caused to our economy with thousands of individuals left unemployed unable to meet everyday expenses like monthly rentals.

As an immediate consequence, tenants are being evicted by the landlords on the defaults made in payments. In light of horrendous events of tenant eviction during the lockdown, the government issued a recent circular in favor of the tenants’ interests allowing relaxations in payment of rents. In legal parlance, the tenant and landlord have a contractual relationship bound by the rent agreement executed.

The agreement is primarily based on the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties in speculation of the future happenings. Nevertheless, a pandemic was out of the imagination of every individual while entering into a rent agreement.

A comparative study of the doctrine of frustration under Section 56 of the Indian Contract Act and Section 108(e) of the Transfer of Property Act is critical here. This will assist us with appreciating the commitment of the renter in cases wherein the power Majeure condition is missing in the rent deed.

Under the Transfer of Property Act, if by fire, tempest, flood, or violence of an army or a mob or other irresistible force any material part of the property be wholly destroyed, the lease shall, at the option of the lessee, be void. In that view, Section 56 of the Contract Act has no application to leases and instead of that, Section108 (e) will apply as far as frustration relating to leases is concerned.

In any case, for the current emergency, even the arrangements of Section108 (e) of the Transfer of Property Act are likewise inapplicable, on the grounds that the land was neither demolished nor turned out to be for all time unfit for the motivations behind the occupation.

In layman’s language, it can be said that it is out of line to anticipate that the occupant should satisfy his commitment in ‘remarkable conditions’, for example, the COVID-19 pandemic, where he could be as of now under extraordinary money related pressure. Law frequently inclines toward rationale.

Under the law, the Doctrine of ‘Power Majeure’ specifies that the obligation of a gathering is suspended briefly or deferred for all time when a happening occasion outside the ability to control the gatherings renders the execution of an agreement incomprehensible occurs.

As it were, a gathering whose obligation it is to release an obligation – pay his month-to-month lease in this example – is secured regardless of whether they neglect to do so once the occasion is considered by law to be surprising and outside their ability to control. Be that as it may, the “waiver of rentals” would rely upon the realities and conditions of each case.

Insignificant non-use or failure to utilize the property can’t be treated as an occasion rendering the property “generously or for all time unfit”. These decisions help answer a few circumstances that an occupant or proprietor can confront contingent upon whether an agreement conveyed a satisfactory ‘Power Majeure’ proviso.

Nevertheless, the question is what will be the remedy if the force majure clause has not been included in the agreement. This situation of a pandemic was an unforeseen situation and was not known earlier which drags us to the position.

The insignificant presence of a ‘Power Majeure’ proviso in an understanding would not qualify an inhabitant for a waiver. That is with the exception of and until a situation of failure to utilize or get to the premises for reasons as pervasive during the COVID pandemic is specified authoritatively between parties.

If the tenure understanding is quiet and doesn’t consider a ‘lockdown’ situation, a suspension of the lease during the lockdown time frame can’t be looked for simply due to the lockdown or non-utilization of the premises.

If an agreement contains a “Force Majeure” proviso, wherein the installment can be deferred, it will be represented by the arrangements of the area of the Contract Act. On the off chance that the provisions of the agreement do not accommodate “Power Majeure conditions” or if any of the Force Majeure conditions are past the agreement statements, segment 56 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 can be conjured by and large.

Further, in the occasion the renter looks for security under the arrangements, he can do as such, and just on account of the property being completely crushed rendering the premises for all time and generously unfit for use. Along these lines, nothing favors an inhabitant or resident aside from, and except if, the agreement spares their advantage.

Notwithstanding the way that the progressing pandemic may have brought about the extraordinary difficulty to the inhabitants and despite governments likewise mentioning proprietors to embrace a merciful view, in standard conditions, without anything to the opposite in the occupancy understanding, the ‘lockdown’ because of the novel coronavirus can’t be utilized by the tenant to pardon himself from the installment of the lease under law.

It depends absolutely on his/her legally binding game plan. A perfect situation would be for the tenant to arrange and talk about the waiver, and deferrals with the proprietor staying away from complexities, and prosecution.


Tags: landlord tenant act, landlord tenant, tenant and landlord, renters rights, transfer of property act, tenant eviction, landlord and tenant act

central banking framework, economic slowdown

COVID-19: Economic Slowdown to Worsen Liquidity Crunch for Indian Realty

By Real Estate No Comments

Economic Slowdown to Worsen Liquidity Crunch

The dent in new launches, the increasing number of indefinitely-deferred projects, and the persisting slowdown aggravating at a steady pace depict a gloomy picture of Indian reality. The reliance on hefty loans has already led to a credit crunch in the system with the measures taken by the RBI not helping as much as they were expected to.

In the back of the lockdown and the liquidity crisis, the fall in residential sales seems to be an obvious phenomenon. With the major metropolitan cities being worst affected by COVID-19; the vanquishing of housing demands looks even steeper. In the absence of a robust demand recovery proposal, the revival of the said sector seems to be far from reality.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the relationship between tenants and landlords?

The disruptions brought in by the COVID-19 pandemic have led to all enterprises scampering to use their cash reserves and reducing payouts to minimize rental payments. The active endeavor of tenants has been to secure a way out to lawfully evade rental payouts for the entire duration of several versions of the enforced lockdown.

To analyze this issue on the legal front; rent suspension can only be afforded in cases where there has been deliberate dispossession caused to the tenant, but not being limited to the premise.

Additionally, examining judicial response, calling aid from Force Majeure clauses within the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, in the COVID-19 situation might not be of much help considering the vehement contemplation of the contract in that case.

While tenants look for a way out to ease the burden of rental payments, a legal remedy for avoiding the same does not look much plausible.

How can cities improve their civic and transport infrastructure?

A hawkish eye on the realty sector shows various leakages with regard to property tax collection pan India. The lackluster apparatus, minimal collection efficiency, and flawed valuations lead to the divulgence of the funds which could otherwise have been well utilized for strengthening the civic and transport infrastructure of cities. Over the top, defaults and disputes in payment of property taxes are cosmic for ages.

The outstanding amount of taxes due to pending disputes, if cumulated, can reinforce the industry immediately. Given the current downfall in the market, the wealth erosion, if not mended soon, could lead to an incredible amount of losses till the time the market recovers from the aftershocks.

How do you feel about the actions of the various Real Estate Regulatory Authorities during these times?

While market regulators such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) have been working to mitigate the distress caused by the COVID-19 crisis actively, the various State Real Estate Regulatory Authorities have failed to, at the least, gauze a direction for easing the situation.

Real estate developers, leaving homebuyers in their plight, have ingeniously manipulated the Authorities to bid outcomes in their favor.

The need for digitization in contemporary times has become beyond essential. The incomplete website, rare and scattered project information, and regulatory lethargy are the cherries on the cake, making it more difficult for homebuyers to make way for an efficacious remedy.

The alibi of lack of powers is a bizarre argument from a regulatory body vested with statutory force failing to implement necessary provisions. The homebuyers’ community has been left in disdain by being at the mercy of the bungling regulators.

How do you perceive the foreseeable future of the real estate sector?

As the moratorium period edges towards completion, the real estate sector is getting apprehensive about many different aspects. Currently, the moratorium is only provided to banks and Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs); capital market instruments availed no such benefits.

The liquidity and funding challenges could worsen hereafter, as the demand-side pressure is expected to intensify owing to the economic fallout. With the demand quotient currently looking bleak, a persistent worry regarding an improvement in the number of property transactions in the coming quarters continues for real estate developers.


Tags: liquidity crunch, indian realty, economic slowdown, real estate companies in india, flow realty india, economy slowing down, slowdown in indian economy

government measures

COVID-19: Are Government Measures Sufficient for The Real Estate Sector?

By Real Estate No Comments

COVID-19: Are Government Measures Sufficient for The Real Estate Sector?

The Coronavirus crisis has jolted the very fabric of the Indian economy, once poised to be the world’s second-largest one. The resultant slowdown in the real estate sector, being the second largest job provider, is mercilessly affecting the fragile construction workers at the bottom rung. With the Coronavirus in the background, let us analyze the rehabilitative measures taken and their sufficiency in the current scenario.

Wealth erosion for wealthy realty

A hawkish eye on the realty sector shows various leakages with regard to property tax collection pan India. The lackluster apparatus, minimal collection efficiency, and flawed valuations lead to the divulgence of the funds which could otherwise have been well utilized for strengthening the market. Over the top, defaults and disputes in payment of property taxes are cosmic for ages.

The outstanding amount of taxes due to pending disputes if cumulated can reinforce the industry immediately. Given the current downfall in the market, the wealth erosion, if not mended soon, could lead to an inconceivable amount of losses till the time the market recovers from the aftershocks.

The doctrine of rent suspension

The disruptions brought in by the pandemic have led all enterprises to scamper to cash reserves, and reduce payouts trying to minimalize rental payments. The active endeavor of tenants has been to secure way-outs to lawfully evade rental payouts for the entire duration of several versions of the enforced lockdown.

To analyze on the legal front, rent suspension can only be afforded in cases where there has been deliberate dispossession caused to the tenant but not being limited to the premise. Additionally, examining judicial response, calling aid from force majeure clauses in the COVID 19 situation might not be of much help considering the vehement contemplation of the contract in the instant case.

While tenants look for a way out to ease the burden of rental payments, a legal remedy for avoiding the same does not look much plausible.

The urgent need for RERA corrections

In the recent horizon, the real estate industry has been doomed. While market regulators like SEBI and RBI have been seen to actively mitigate the distress caused due to the COVID crisis, the RERA has failed to at the least, gauze a direction for easing the situation.

Builders, leaving homebuyers in their plight have ingeniously manipulated the authority to bid outcomes in their favor. The need for digitization in contemporary times has become beyond essential. The incomplete website, rare and scattered project information, and regulatory lethargy are the cherries on the cake, making it more difficult for homebuyers to make way for an efficacious remedy.

The alibi of lack of powers is a bizarre argument from a regulatory body vested with statutory force failing to implement basic provisions. The homebuyers’ community has been left in disdain and deceit being left at the mercy of the bungling regulator.

The final nail in the coffin of the realty industry

With the end of the moratorium period nearing soon, the realty market fears the impending doom that might dawn. Currently, the moratorium is only provided to banks and NBFCs; capital market instruments availed no benefits.

The liquidity and funding challenges could worsen hereafter, as the demand side pressure is expected to intensify owing to the economic fallout. The demand quotient being currently bleak, the persistent worry remains to be demand revival to rejuvenate the industry.

Consumer end demand is likely to show a further nemesis owing to the slowdown of the economy. The recent interest cuts would do barely little to bolster demand soon.

Drop-in housing sales: phenomena in a decade

The dent in new launches, indefinitely deferred projects and the persisting slowdown aggravating at a steady pace depicts a further gloomy picture for the realty market.

Reliance on heavy loans has already led to a credit crunch in the system with the RBI measures not helping as much. In the back of the lockdown and the liquidity crisis, the fall in housing sales seems to be an obvious phenomenon.

With the major cities being worst hit by the pandemic, the vanquishing of housing demands become even steeper. In the absence of a robust demand recovery proposal, the revival of the industry happens to be far from reality.


Tags: real estate sector, wealthy realty, real estate performance metrics, government measures, real estate financial metrics, safety measures set by the government, measures taken by government, supplemental poverty measure 2020, real estate development metrics

power of personalization

Novelty to Necessity: The Power of Personalization in Banking

By Banking No Comments

The Power of Personalization in Banking

The banking sector – a bulwark against the breakdown of other industries is left to nibble from the remnants in the wake of the virus-induced global economic slowdown!

Banks wrote off over ₹80,000 crores of loans in the first half of FY2020. The number exceeded ₹2 trillion in the past two years. But major Indian banks have demonstrated resilience through uninterrupted services, offering EMI moratoriums or fee waivers to borrowers.

Unfortunately, historic trends allude to a grim scenario where Indian financial institutions were designed to overlook defaults thereby leading to grave profitability concerns and credit risks associated with it in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Given the current slow-balisation, financial institutions cannot press for repayments from individuals and are expected to sit on bad assets for a longer period in light of RBI’s moratorium effective until 31st August 2020. As the sector is left scrambling for money, more financial institutions are embracing technology to achieve their objective of survival, growth, expansion, or otherwise. 

Online Banking

At the outset, banks and financial institutions adopted technology as a means to stay connected to customers, deliver services and perhaps make money. Essentially, online or web banking offers customers almost every service traditionally available through a local branch including deposits, transfers, and online bill payments through desktop, laptop, or mobile phones. At the core, online banking permits users to avail services in just a few clicks!

There are several advantages of online banking such as 24/7 access to bank accounts from the world over, fast and easy fund transfer, coupled with highly safe and secure transactions of low to high value.

The latest trend in Internet banking is to integrate third parties into the electronic business. Typically, customers use banks to interact with a third party, for example, to pay their bills.

In this case, the Internet channel can also be used to do the complete transaction electronically, resulting in impressive cost and time savings, not only for the bank and its customer but also for the other involved parties.

In addition, the electronic business aspect of Internet banking is creating completely new types of services – services that do not exist in other banking channels – that can be offered to new customer segments and used to create new revenue.

Personalized Banking

Tech Giants like Amazon, Facebook, and Google have spurred a desire for more customized interactions and fostered a willingness to trade data for a better experience. As a result, the concept of “personalized banking” becomes important now more than ever before!  Targeting customer micro-segments and tailoring offers for them will enable banks to differentiate themselves, build customer engagement, and gain a competitive advantage.

The first step would be to identify what personalization is and what it is not. Thereafter, banks and financial institutions can leverage the large repository of customer data, customer touch-points, and digital platforms to deliver meaningful and powerful personalized experiences. To be sure, personalization in banking is not primarily about selling.

It’s about providing service, information, and advice, often on a daily basis or even several times a day. Such interactions, as opposed to infrequent sales communications, form the crux of the customer’s banking experience. Yet many banks still tend to focus their personalization efforts on the sales arena.

Today, machine learning and data analytics can be harnessed to deliver an omnichannel digital experience to your customers. For banks and finance companies with a wealth of data available, hyper-personalization represents a window of opportunity to stay ahead of the curve with a value proposition that makes customers feel understood.

It also promises significant gains, with Boston Consulting Group estimating that successful personalization at scale could represent an increase of 10% in a bank’s annual revenue.

The biggest takeaway for a bank is staying ahead of the curve as you get to know your customer better and leverage those insights and trends to create tailored digital experiences that boost revenues.

On the other hand, as customers expect a basic level of customization, hyper-personalized experiences in personal finance can lead to amplified satisfaction and engagement, fraud prevention, and better decision-making coupled with a sense of humanized understanding from their bank.

This humanized understanding by banks can be demonstrated in many ways, including:

  1. Behavioral Personalization: This personalization attempts to determine the visitor’s interest based on their actions, which includes visit count, search phrase, content viewed, functions performed, and referrers’ websites. 
  2. IP Based Personalization: This personalization can gain information about the anonymous visitor from the IP address and DNS record. This type of personalization makes use of Geolocation tracking, company attributes to customize the experience. 
  3. Online Banking, CRM, and Loan or Deposit applications: These effective types of personalization use data from other banking platforms to drive personalization. While this type of personalization may seem complex, the implementation is often easier than first perceived.    

However, customization leads us to a larger question of – whether technological advancement and privacy can be allies?   

Presently, the Information Technology Act, 2000 and Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 govern India’s data protection regime. However, these legislations fail to protect individual interests in today’s time.

Geo-location tracking, biometric data, and facial recognition apps could invariably violate the right to privacy, but there is no legal framework that regulates or enables the use of such technologies without violating the Fundamental Right to Privacy granted under Article 21 of the Constitution. 

Even the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 which is likely to be approved by the Parliament in the Monsoon session of 2020 fails to take into account all stakeholders involved in data breaches.

For instance, the Bill imposes heavy fines up to Rs 15 crores or 4% of the annual turnover for violations but exempts the ‘consent’ requirement in certain circumstances where – data is required by the State, for legal proceedings, or to respond to a medical emergency.

These regulatory changes, though onerous to many, are almost a natural and necessary trajectory considering India’s growing digital footprint in the world!


Personalization is without a doubt a promising area that might be able to answer some of the burning questions that Internet banking must deal with today and even more in the days to come. The possibilities of personalization are not yet fully utilized, nor is there sufficient hands-on experience or research-based knowledge about the most advanced ideas of how to personalize Internet banking services.

The importance of hitting the right target in both selecting the things to be personalized and the way of presenting them visually are delicate matters. If not done right, they might compromise the most important customer values: speed, efficiency, and trust.

Thus as the impact of the COVID-19 flare-up relies upon the gravity, degree, and dissemination of the cataclysm, which remains uncertain even today, the banking sector must leverage personalized online banking to boost revenues in a cash-strapped economy and possibly help the banking sector rise from the ashes!


Tags: personalization in banking, the banking sector, global economic slowdown, power of personalization, the banking system, the banking industry

zeroed down

India Retaliates: Zeroed Down To Mobile Applications

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Zeroed Down To Mobile Applications

The ban on Chinese apps comes as a big blow to China’s market. As the first salvo against China, post the bloody clash at Galway valley on June 15, India has a lot to cherish. In the guise of protecting the sovereignty and integrity of India, the target has been to cause massive damage to the Chinese economy.

Relying on inputs from intelligence agencies that have seen visible traits of compromising on users’ privacy, the action is a welcome move. There has been a soaring demand of banning Chinese applications since the heightened tensions at the border and aligning the move with the aspirations of millions of Indians provide the much-required political boost.

Speculations have been underway to retaliate against China zeroing down on its technological applications. Undeniably, the popular Chinese apps had been hurting the sentiments of domestic producers who breathe with sighs post the announcement. Losing Indian consumers on apps like Tiktok and Likee would leave a deep dent in Chinese revenue.

The government aims at mandatory data storage within the country and the ban will facilitate mulling such an idea. Stealing and transmitting unduly unauthorized user data to servers located outside India hereafter can be prevented to a great extent.

The notification is expected to be followed by instructions from ISPs to disable these applications. Users are likely to see a quick message that access to the applications has been restricted at the request of the government. However, while this will affect apps like TikTok and UC News that require live streaming for any purpose, users can still continue to use scripts that don’t require an active internet connection to use.

But more downloads of these apps, like CamScanner, are likely to close on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

In what is assumed to be a befitting response to the misadventures of Beijing, substantive measures ahead are awaited. The government’s extremely resolved dexterity to hit China on multiple fronts has been well proven. While the standoff remains on the ground, the digital counterstrike has perhaps begun.

The way China does not permit operations of businesses from outside their territory, India has absolved such tactics to pressurize through varied mediums. Notably, the ban of these many apps is sure to hinder China’s digital expeditions gnawing up on its ambitions of the Digital Silk route in near future. India in its current move has strategically aimed at hitting China’s extravagant growth and prosperity on the technological front.

Nevertheless, such an action is not here to ensure that Chinese troops will backpedal from the Galway valley that has been occupied. There are big pocket brands like PayTM, OYO, Swiggy, Zomato, and BigBasket amongst others who work on heavy investments from China.

The anticipation of a counter-attack from China shall not be futile given the present circumstances. While pummelling on the low-hanging fruit might not yield much of a practical solution, nonetheless, the emotions of millions of Indians have been marshaled hereof. India has learned lessons from the previous ventures of Beijing and has rightly thronged at it this time.

China brought the entire world to its knees with the spur of an unknown virus at the end of 2019. Previously hit by India’s revised FDI policy and now the embargo on Chinese apps shall not conceivably go in vain.

While hurting the Chinese sentiments shall be directly consequent to the move, keeping in mind the immense popularity of many such applications, Indian users shall be left behind looking for coherent alternatives. Many such platforms having Indian creators, which is the only source of income could put thousands of jobs at stake.

While one has to wait to understand the accurate implication of the ban as well as speculate reprisal from the opponents, the sweeping effort will definitely be a warning for bigger Chinese enterprises, besides raising alarm in Beijing. Till then Indians can revere the small victory and hold up for the next to come.


Tags: mobile applications, zeroed down, zeroed down meaning, phone application

investment during pandemic

COVID-19 Hardship: How to Invest in Times of Pandemic

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COVID-19 Hardship: Investment During Pandemic

The entire world is encountering vulnerability and difficulty due to the phenomenal COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic came when the worldwide economy was confronting intense occasions. Henceforth, in the given circumstance, it is imperative to take judicious budgetary activities, both preventive and remedial, to guarantee the general monetary wellbeing of an individual and his/her family.

At regular intervals, traded on open market organizations report both their real budgetary income and their normal possibilities over the not-so-distant future. Financial specialists intently watch these reports for indications of guarantee or inconvenience, in a custom similar to perusing tea leaves.

In any case, with the COVID-19 emergency overturning marketable strategies left and right, deciphering those leaves is more testing than any other time in recent memory. There is an unprecedented degree of uncertainty associated with the encounters.

For investors, the test is twofold: foreseeing when that bounce back will come, and picking which stocks will win and which will lose when it does. Missing corporate direction is more enthusiastically than expected and it’s typically hard.

Be that as it may, a clearer picture is beginning to develop. Since the stock market investment crested three months back, tech mammoths like Amazon and Netflix have fared well, as have drugmakers like Gilead. Vitality organizations like Halliburton have been hit hard, alongside banks like Wells Fargo.

Retailers’ parent organizations have endured as customers remain at home, yet those taking into account homebodies, similar to Domino’s, are flourishing.

The aftermath of the pandemic has made new open doors that natural development pioneers are best ready to catch. By putting more in their pool of advancement ability, giving these individuals the scope to take advantage of these lucky breaks, and empowering reasonable dangers, these development heads will expand their lead further.

The extreme development movement lighted by the worldwide pandemic shows that a few elephants can move when they should. Organizations are moving quicker and facing greater challenges than could have been envisioned a couple of months back.

A further catalyst to re-evaluating built-up and lumbering advancement approaches is the quickening of numerous patterns that are as of now in progress. The lock-down has presented a move to online work practices and group sharing stages while making new chances. For instance, 3D printing is getting a lift by assisting with supplanting faraway providers with close-by 3D printing contractual workers and making flexible chains stronger.

To exploit this move, HP quickened their “3D as an assistance” plan of action development, where clients pay just for what they print. The computerized change of enterprises did not stop for the emergency.

An approaching inquiry is the means to abstain from returning to the awkward and mindful inheritance practices and hazard-unwilling dynamic that had stumbled development execution in numerous associations. As vulnerability subsides, there is a squeezing requirement for direction on which changes to advance ways to deal with organizing, and how to choose which chances to get a handle on.

The COVID-19 pandemic can be anticipated to have a drawn-out effect on the deals of more up-to-date CPG marks as it is driving shopper preliminaries. Purchasers are regularly purchasing items they ordinarily do not accept as they plan for isolation. This is transforming into a national demo program that our brands are getting paid for.

Our expectation is that we increase a lot of new clients who may find us at the markets during this time, bring our items home, have a positive encounter, and later consolidate them into their day-by-day or week-by-week schedules when things balance out.

The forecast is that anything that has to do with wellbeing, health, invulnerability, and supplementation will have delayed development throughout the following quite a long while. This occasion has solidified in our psyches how conceivably helpless we are as an animal group and it will engage numerous individuals to endeavor to assume responsibility for their wellbeing.

Possible approach toward investment

As the fear of the global economy moving towards a recession grows, it is likely that there will be a liquidity crunch coupled with high inflationary pressures. In this situation, setting up short-term financial goals becomes important. Any investment decision during this period should be made by factoring in the short-term goals of an individual. The investments should be adequately liquid to address contingencies and short-term needs.

Here, the effect contributing network has an exceptional chance and a pivotal task to carry out. The moral of the story is, that socially useful ventures can be raised as an advantage class of decision, and effect financial specialists can lead the route in expanding the quest for pioneers, leveling the topography of information, and along these lines encouraging a progressively successful reaction to the current emergency.

Since their essential spotlight is on expanding hazard balanced returns, conventional speculators are probably not going to convey account in the territories that need it most at the present time. Be that as it may, sway venture can, by marshaling the assets expected to carry progressively different trendsetters into the well-being and wellbeing of adjoining segments.

All the more comprehensively, the pandemic ought to rouse those outside the effect contributing network to re-evaluate how money-related capital is activated and conveyed. It is to everybody’s greatest advantage to energize progress toward widespread access to excellent medicinal services comprehensively, on the grounds that, at last, wellbeing underpins each part of society, including the economy.

Past tending to the prompt wellbeing crisis, Covid-19 likewise necessitates that we center around long-haul arrangements. There must not be another arrival to the same old thing.

We have to begin building vigorous, comprehensive frameworks that represent all the social determinants of transmittable and incessant ailments, which will keep on plaguing the least fortunate and most underestimated networks the world over.


Tags: pandemic investing, investing during a pandemic, investment during pandemic, investing during the pandemic, stocks to invest in during pandemic, stocks during pandemic, good investment during pandemic, stocks to buy during the pandemic, stocks to buy during pandemic

investment during pandemic

COVID-19 Hardship: How to Invest in Times of Pandemic

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Investment During Pandemic – COVID-19 Hardship

Investment During Pandemic: The entire world is encountering vulnerability and difficulty due to the phenomenal COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic came when the worldwide economy was confronting intense occasions. Henceforth, in the given circumstance, it is imperative to take judicious budgetary activities, both preventive and remedial, to guarantee the general monetary wellbeing of an individual and his/her family.

At regular intervals, traded on open market organizations report both their real budgetary income and their normal possibilities over the not-so-distant future. Financial specialists intently watch these reports for indications of guarantee or inconvenience, in a custom similar to perusing tea leaves.

In any case, with the COVID-19 emergency overturning marketable strategies left and right, deciphering those leaves is more testing than any other time in recent memory. There is an unprecedented degree of uncertainty associated with the encounters.

For investors, the test is twofold: foreseeing when that bounce back will come, and picking which stocks will win and which will lose when it does. Missing corporate direction is more enthusiastically than expected and it’s typically hard. Be that as it may, a clearer picture is beginning to develop.

Since the stock market investment crested three months back, tech mammoths like Amazon and Netflix have fared well, as have drugmakers like Gilead. Vitality organizations like Halliburton have been hit hard, alongside banks like Wells Fargo. Retailers’ parent organizations have endured as customers remain at home, yet those taking into account homebodies, similar to Domino’s, are flourishing.

The aftermath of the pandemic has made new open doors that natural development pioneers are best ready to catch. By putting more in their pool of advancement ability, giving these individuals the scope to take advantage of these lucky breaks, and empowering reasonable dangers, these development heads will expand their lead further.

The extreme development movement lighted by the worldwide pandemic shows that a few elephants can move when they should. Organizations are moving quicker and facing greater challenges than could have been envisioned a couple of months back. A further catalyst to re-evaluating built-up and lumbering advancement approaches is the quickening of numerous patterns that are as of now in progress.

The lock-down has presented a move to online work practices and group sharing stages while making new chances. For instance, 3D printing is getting a lift by assisting with supplanting faraway providers with close-by 3D printing contractual workers and making flexible chains stronger.

To exploit this move, HP quickened their “3D as an assistance” plan of action development, where clients pay just for what they print. The computerized change of enterprises did not stop for the emergency.

An approaching inquiry is the means to abstain from returning to the awkward and mindful inheritance practices and hazard-unwilling dynamic that had stumbled development execution in numerous associations. As vulnerability subsides, there is a squeezing requirement for direction on which changes to advance ways to deal with organizing, and how to choose which chances to get a handle on.

The COVID-19 pandemic can be anticipated to have a drawn-out effect on the deals of more up-to-date CPG marks as it is driving shopper preliminaries. Purchasers are regularly purchasing items they ordinarily do not accept as they plan for isolation.

This is transforming into a national demo program that our brands are getting paid for. Our expectation is that we increase a lot of new clients who may find us at the markets during this time, bring our items home, have a positive encounter, and later consolidate them into their day-by-day or week-by-week schedules when things balance out.

The forecast is that anything that has to do with wellbeing, health, invulnerability, and supplementation will have delayed development throughout the following quite a long while. This occasion has solidified in our psyches how conceivably helpless we are as an animal group and it will engage numerous individuals to endeavor to assume responsibility for their wellbeing.

Possible approach toward investment

As the fear of the global economy moving towards a recession grows, it is likely that there will be a liquidity crunch coupled with high inflationary pressures. In this situation, setting up short-term financial goals becomes important. Any investment decision during this period should be made by factoring in the short-term goals of an individual. The investments should be adequately liquid to address contingencies and short-term needs.

Here, the effect contributing network has an exceptional chance and a pivotal task to carry out. The moral of the story is, that socially useful ventures can be raised as an advantage class of decision, and effect financial specialists can lead the route in expanding the quest for pioneers, leveling the topography of information, and along these lines encouraging a progressively successful reaction to the current emergency.

Since their essential spotlight is on expanding hazard balanced returns, conventional speculators are probably not going to convey account in the territories that need it most at the present time. Be that as it may, sway venture can, by marshaling the assets expected to carry progressively different trendsetters into the well-being and wellbeing of adjoining segments.

All the more comprehensively, the pandemic ought to rouse those outside the effect contributing network to re-evaluate how money-related capital is activated and conveyed. It is to everybody’s greatest advantage to energize progress toward widespread access to excellent medicinal services comprehensively, on the grounds that, at last, wellbeing underpins each part of society, including the economy.

Past tending to the prompt wellbeing crisis, Covid-19 likewise necessitates that we center around long-haul arrangements. There must not be another arrival to the same old thing.

We have to begin building vigorous, comprehensive frameworks that represent all the social determinants of transmittable and incessant ailments, which will keep on plaguing the least fortunate and most underestimated networks the world over.


Tags: pandemic investing, investing during a pandemic, investing during the pandemic, stocks to invest in during pandemic, investment during pandemic, stocks during pandemic, good investment during pandemic

the indo china dispute

The Indo China Dispute

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The Indo China Dispute

The Indo China Dispute: The two nuclear-armed Asian neighbors, India and China have been engaging in intense diplomatic and military confrontations after clashing on the deadly border recently. The military superpowers have been debating for decades on land in the largely uninhabited elevated area.

The June 15 incident in the disputed Galwan Valley, along the actual Line of Control, killed 20 Indian soldiers. China has accused Indian forces of crossing the border twice, by provoking and attacking Chinese personnel, who have deployed forces and built their infrastructure in the disputed area, leaving the forces of the two sides closer, with an increased risk of clashes.

In reality, the reason behind the Chinese muscle praise is the PLA’s growing military capabilities and political will to use it.

States often present history as an argument when the legal arguments drawn from colonial agreements are too weak to justify sovereignty that feeds on nationalism and does not want to settle disputes between states by international courts or tribunals.

After all, the international tribunals cannot go down history and do not depend on the historians in the disputed countries. Neutral history is an illusion. In actual disputes before international tribunals, historical claims and a sympathetic colonial past do not determine the outcome of regional conflicts.

India submitted a request from the Chinese government that customary practice must be allowed to continue and that arbitrary measures, such as for example, requests for currency exchanges already held by Indian merchants, should not be enforced.

China’s lack of respect for international law, the expansion of land claims where there are power gaps, and efforts to exclude outside actors from the regional intervention are all common themes of Chinese exploits at sea from South China, the East China Sea, and now India.

China’s neighbors should avoid supporting China’s economy (and therefore funding its military) by strengthening relations with the United States, Australia, and other like-minded countries. If those in the Indo-Pacific region want to limit China’s territorial encroachments, they must directly counter China’s behavior and intentions.

It is in India’s interest to ensure that the SCS remains a part of the global commons and China is encouraged to pursue its interests in a legitimate manner. For this, India must meet the expectations of ASEAN with regional agreements such as the RCEP being of great importance in this regard.

It goes without saying that India and China are expected under international law to cooperate and resolve harassing differences in the interests of peace and their mutual economic interests. Undoubtedly, in the negotiated settlement, the settlement of border disputes in the 21st century will be tinged with geopolitical considerations.

Trade relations between India and China in the expanding technology market play a role. China cannot ignore the fact that the trade surplus in its favor in the past two years has been around 50 to 60 billion dollars. China cannot ignore hostility around the world for its alleged role in the spread of Covid-19 killing lakhs of people.

Amid calls by private individuals and associations for the boycott of Chinese goods in the wake of Beijing’s misadventure, speculation of an alleged crackdown by the authorities on consignments from China has been intensified.

The sudden move of the customs authorities to carry out 100 percent checks of imports of consignments from China at the ports has thrown the domestic industry into a tizzy. The leading voices of the world must be exemplars in every way. Even though a holistic ‘Boycott China’ policy could boomerang for India, selective repeals could substantially harm the Chinese economy.

The driving idea presently has been to ensure that Chinese businesses do not make headway in the Indian markets in the near future. The center has hardened to crack down on substandard and non-essential imports from China which is likely to hit the Chinese exporters the most.

Severely hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, the government has already revised the FDI policy to curb opportunistic takeovers or acquisitions of companies surviving a liquidity crisis to cash-rich Chinese investors. FDI proposals would hence require government clearance coming from investors of the bordering countries.

The emerging trend across segments has been to revoke contracts won by Chinese companies. There has been a surge in domestic sentiments against Beijing for the violent border stand-off, calling for the boycott of Chinese goods, but that is much easier said than done.

Respecting international law, recognizing the legitimate interests of partners, supporting multilateralism, and promoting the common good are the only few ways for building a durable world order. It is important to recognize that China has a huge presence in the supply chain involving India, and the disruption caused could hurt in return India’s economy and consumers.

In segments like electronics, pharma, and telecom, our dependence on China is substantial. The initiative must now be driven by the idea of building of self-reliant ecosystem with minimal dependence on China.


Tags: asian neighbors, the indo china dispute, military superpowers, nuclear armed asian neighbors